The tax income a building generates is shown when the cursor is placed over its icon on the province panel. Tax income is mainly generated by economic buildings and by ports. Provinces you control can be taxed by checking the tax box on the province panel on the left. Background income changes depending on the difficulty level chosen at the start of the campaign. Background income is the base amount of income you get, even without anything else generating money for you. However it's sometimes OK to have a negative income so long as your treasury does not run out see below. A positive income adds money to your treasury see below every turn, while a negative income takes money out of your treasury every turn. Your faction's income can be seen at the top center of the screen.

Income is how much money a faction is getting per turn. Money is spent on maintaining and recruiting units, constructing buildings and more. Factions get income per turn, as well as a total treasury of saved money. You responded in return with this "If you actually bothered to read that log, then you would know that it does not answer OP question in any way.Money is the basic strategic resource of the campaign. Defenition of hostile: "unfriendly antagonistic.

Last edited by SleepyNarwhalz 22 May, am. I guess in "normal" there won't be friendly fire, will there? Originally posted by Yashualay. How are there effects of friendly fire with bows or pistols etc. So whenever I get a new Total War game I experiment with the difficulties in custom battles to find the right balance.Īll the Best, Welsh Dragon. Though there tends to be a point where instead of getting smarter the Ai will just get buffed. Usually you put the difficulty higher the Ai will be smarter. Basically higher difficulty For previous games made it so the AI got buffed units, more money and more recruitment slots. How does the settings change things? Mbti best in bed

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