Feel free to open a issue anytime I will reply ASAP But for faster response add me. Hello, this is my first HUD I have made for Garry's Mod and DarkRP. TCB HUD V1 DarkRP Elegant HUD HUD | Free HUD for Dark › downloads › graphite-hud-darkrp-garrysmod. A simple and minimal DarkRP HUD, # Features: RPName - Job - Salary. The first addon in the ButtsAddons selection. That Free DarkRP HUD! I had two people buy it off me because they liked it but I refunded them and let them keep it. DarkRP Elegant HUD This HUD is completely FREE and offers many features found on purchasable HUDs. DarkRP Elegant HUD For Garry's Mod Image 1.

Free Hud downloads for Garry's Mod - download Hud for GMod for free.